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Bank of England raises UK interest rates by quarter-point to 4.25%

Monetary policy committee votes to increase base rate after February’s surprise rise in inflation Business live – latest updates Analysis: Is this the end of interest rate rises? What the interest rate rise means for you The Bank of England has raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point to 4.25% in response […]

UK interest rate rise: what it means for you

How the new base rate of 4.25% might affect mortgages, house prices and credit cards Business live – latest updates Analysis: Is this the end of interest rate rises? Bank of England raises interest rates to 4.25% The Bank of England has yet again raised interest rates, this time by 0.25 percentage points, taking the […]

Why does the UK have highest inflation in G7 and is Brexit a factor?

Britain appears to be an international outlier after the shock reading in double digits this week Live coverage: Inflation jumps as cost of living crisis intensifies UK inflation rate in surprise rise to 10.4% Inflation calculator: find out how much price rises affect you Britain has the highest inflation rate in the G7, as the […]

Central banks must keep interest rates high to combat inflation, says OECD

Organisation also says UK will be only G20 economy apart from Russia to shrink this year Central banks should maintain the fight against inflation with high interest rates despite fears of a global banking crash, according to the OECD, which said the UK will be the only economy in the G20 apart from Russia to […]

Budget: UK on track for ‘disastrous decade’ of income stagnation

Thinktank says taxes as share of GDP are on course to reach 70-year high but public services are being cut Budget 2023: key points at a glance The UK remains on track for a “disastrous decade” of stagnant incomes and high taxes, despite cuts to public services, the Resolution Foundation has said in its analysis […]

UK shoppers slash spending as price rises and energy bills bite

February figures from BRC highlight impact of cost of living crisis on British economy before budget UK consumers sharply cut back their spending in February as soaring living costs damaged household finances, retailers have warned, despite strong sales of jewellery and fragrances for Valentine’s Day. Highlighting the impact of the cost of living crisis on […]

Want to properly plug the UK’s north-south divide? Look to Germany | Larry Elliott

Boosting spending power, increasing public funding for science and tech skills, R&D and infrastructure could work Britain has been struggling to find a solution to its north-south divide since the staple industries of the Industrial Revolution – textiles and coal – started to decline in the early 20th century. It is not a unique problem. […]

How rising interest rates sent the UK housing market into reverse

An end to ultra-low rates mean borrowers can only afford smaller mortgages BoE boss says interest rates may have peaked UK house prices fall at fastest annual rate since 2012 Since the turn of the year the news on the economy has been less bad than expected. Growth has been a bit stronger, spending in […]

Hopes rise that UK might avoid recession after services sector rebound

Pound edges up as stronger economic growth increases chances of further interest rate rises A rebound across the UK’s services sector in February has raised hopes that the country might avoid recession in the first half of this year. Analysts said the bigger than expected surge in business activity appeared to show that the UK […]